07.09.2024 | VENI VIDI VICI (AT 2024, Daniel Hoesl, Julia Niemann)

AT 2024, D: Daniel Hoesl, Julia Niemann, A: Laurence Rupp, Ursina Lardi, Olivia Goschler, 86′, OV with English subtitles, DCP

Veni, vidi, vici – I came, I saw and I conquered – Julius Caesar’s laconic statement sums up the hero’s hubris: Amon Maynard is an investor with excellent political connections who is flattening a nature reserve for his new mega-project and dispatching his mentor. Together with his wife and children, Maynard indulges in a luxurious life in his mansion full of polo matches and hunting. Carrying out the latter, he is not after animals… All the clues lead to him, and yet few are willing to resist the bon vivant. Those who do are either ridiculed or swallowed up by the elite circle of money, power and corruption, despite laws and journalistic evidence. A bitterly vicious satire that has truly no shortage of role models in Austria’s political circus, with its short Sebastians and Ibiza videos.

Sa 7. SeptSchaubühne Lindenfels
10 pm€ 7 (6 reduced)