Abuse of Weakness (F 2013, Catherine Breillat)
Abuse of Weakness
(F 2013, D: Catherine Breillat, A: Isabelle Huppert, Kool Shen, 104’, OV w/english subs, DCP)
In a programme that deals with intimacies and female perspectives on desire, Catherine Breillat must not be lacking. In our selection as well, Abuse of Weakness does what her controversial films usually achieve: it expands Vaginale’s thematic range with its very distinct point of view on things. It is complex and inspired autobiographically.The anti-heroine, directress Maude is a strong, venturesome woman, who spots the arrogant, charismatic Vilko on TV at home after a stroke and ultimately wants to have him take part in her next film. Between the two, a strangely amicable, perpetual power game evolves that reposes on mastery and mutual addiction. Huppert’s full body performance is a compelling gem, on the side of which French rapper Kool Shen cuts not too bad a figure though. Exquisitely, the film tells that the abuse of weakness is always related to the abuse of power. So, maybe even a strong character turns out to be a weakness. „The abuse of weakness is something delicious. You are very happy when it is happening to you.“ (Breillat)
24 April, 8 pm – Schaubühne Lindenfels – 6/5 (red.) euros