Preparations for VERTICAL CINEMA yesterday went pretty good as you can see! So, you all know what will be going down tonight, don’t you? If not, read again about it here on our blog.
Plus, here’s some further useful information about tonight:
Doors and ticket counter will open at 8pm.
The address of Paul Gerhardt church is Selneckerstraße 5.
Reserved tickets can be picked up until 8:30 pm.
For those of you, who didn’t reserve tickets: There’s still plenty of them left!
The screening is supposed to start at 9pm and will take approx. 2 hours (including a break). Afterwards, there will be an artist talk with Johann Lurf—one of the Vertical Cinema filmmakers.
Be aware, that some of the films may cause photosensitive eplileptic seizures. So, take care!