Panel discussion | What does the cinema look like after the cinema?

Slow but steadily the band begins to play..GEGENkino is very happy to announce the first item on the programme!

Panel discussion: What will the pictures look like after the pictures?

The discussion will be about self-conception, conditions of existence and unique characteristics of cinema. In doing so, we will talk about cinema as locus and, for that matter, as cultural experience. The omnipresent possibility of reproducing pictures digitally – in exhibitions, the internet and on BluRays – offers a simplified access to pictures. Beyond that, can it also reproduce the genuine quality of experiencing films, this unique form of perception that differs from classical fine arts? Does film become art as soon as it leaves the cinema hall? Is it not already the case before that?

panel discussion
What will the pictures look like after the pictures?
05. April, 19 Uhr – Schaubühne Lindenfels (Ballsaal) – Eintritt frei:


Lars Henrik Gass [Autor / Leiter Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen]
Clemens von Wedemeyer [Filmemacher / Professor für Medienkunst (Expanded Cinema) an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig]
Stefanie Schulte Strathaus [Kuratorin / Künstlerische Leitung Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst Berlin]
Torsten Frehse [Filmverleiher / Geschäftsführer Neue Visionen Filmverleih Berlin]

Moderator: Luc-Carolin Ziemann [free Curator / DOK Leipzig, GfZK Leipzig]