Thanks a lot for all the submissions and for your interest in our festival. We will contact all those who submitted again after we are done with curating the programme. (Expected date: End of March)
OPEN CALL – Vaginale – GEGENkino 2015
Dear filmmakers at art schools and wherever beyond,
in April 2015 we are hosting GEGENkino for the second time. After having curated a video exhibition together with filmmaker Clemens von Wedemeyer [Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Expanded Media Class] as part of GEGENkino 2014, we would like to continue working on this strand next year.
Therefore, we need your films, Clips, loops! The context: within Vaginale, one of our sections of the programme, we inquire after the social effects of a subversive, (post-)feminist film, its aesthetic qualities and the interdependency of medial content and social reality.
Within the contemporary art world an within a broadly operating porn-affirmative movement in the realm of film, the casual dealing with obscenities triggers off the discussion about the depiction of female desire anew and offers a colourful range of different stances.
Current productions about female sexuality suggest they succeed in depicting feminine desire adequately or establishing a feminine pornography as an appropriate subversive practice. Critical thoughts are levelled by a general euphoria, which enables to get away unquestioned concerning the suitability of the make of the movies and their ideological function. Content-related, we are interested in two different things: (1) Female narration, the authorship of women. Women assume the definatory power over “the feminine” and take a stance. Thereby, the female body receives a new presence. We want to bring together and bundle forms that articulate this new presence – be it film art, video art, or experimental flicks. (2) Pornography as radical action. In general: can pornography produce political significance, that is influence social conventions and thereby transcend its primary function to generate sexual arousal?
Concerning form, we are looking for works that are of cinematic nature in the broadest sense, the lowest common denominator is the moving image. There are no guidelines regarding length. Concerning content, your contributions should decidedly look for forms and images that trace feminine desire, feminine passion and/or feminine sexuality. Depictions can be explicit, but they do not necessarily have to be. The following criteria should be met: (a) A woman has to be involved as director, producer or performer. (b) The work should discuss female passion authentically. © It is supposed to broaden boundaries of female sexuality’s stereotypical depiction.
The chosen works will be part of GEGENkino 2015 and will be exhibited inside the historical ballroom of Schaubühne Lindenfels at Leipzig. You can find information regarding the festival here:
Curator and project coordinator Stephan Langer willingly answers further requests concerning contributions, formalities and everything else:
CLOSING DATE is the 15th of MARCH 2015.
We are delighted and are curious about your contributions!
photo by elopunk
Alright, we’ve been silent for half a year, but there is no reason to withhold the news any longer: we are planning a second edition of GEGENkino! We have written and sent off applications for subsidy, we are negotiating with potential cooperation partners and industriously tinkering with the programme.
We can already disclose this much: GEGENkino in 2015 will take place at the end of April. Once more, venues will be UT Connewitz, Luru-cinema at the Spinnerei and Schaubühne Lindenfels. Beyond that, we will carry our ideas out of our cinema halls into a different environment, outsourcing the idea of GEGENkino to another location: through cooperation with the club scene of Leipzig, we will try to associate club culture with film culture. We are quite excited and full of pleasant anticipation for the result!
In any respect, our film programme and fringe events are highly charged with passion and devotion and will brim over with recent aesthetics and unconventional thoughts. Next year, we want to watch unusual and unconventional movies with you again, collectively indulge in various imageries, critically and constructively discuss movies and the world they relate to without getting one thing off our minds: to dance with you!
That’s all. More to come soon.
Check this site regularly.
Your GEGENkino crew
GEGENkino is history. We stuffed our red GEGENkino-tights (everyone of us was wearing as a secret uniform underneath all of the time during the festival) into the trash. Stinky as they were.
A BIG THANX again to the three cinemas hosting, to the artists and scholars visiting, to all of the guests visiting, to everyone else for their massive support!
We are looking forward to GEGENkino #2 in 2015.
Wearing freshly washed tights again.
See you all somewhere around – have a nice summer.
It’s the last day of GEGENkino. Thanks already to everyone that came to our festival or supported us in whatever way.
Here’s a short reminder what will happen on GEGENkino’s finale. (For the sake of continuity this reminder will also be in English, even though our non-German speaking friends might be a bit disadvantaged tonight.)
Marcus Stiglegger (professor at the university of Siegen, an expert in exploitative movies and author of books like “Sadiconazista” or “Nazi Chic & Nazi Trash”) will give a lecture on the topic “Fascism and sexuality in film and popular culture”.
Following the lecture there will be a screening of Tinto Brass’ exploitation classic “Salon Kitty” (IT 1976, R: Tinto Brass, D: Helmut Berger, Ingrid Thulin, Teresa Ann Savoy, 102’) – with German dubs though, but from 35mm!
GEGENkino is drawing near. We can’t even fall asleep anymore out of excitement (and last-minute organizational stuff). If you are also insomniac why not spend your nights with reading knowledgeable, lengthy essays on obscure film makers and genres? You can find them over there on Marcus Stiglegger’s blog. He will come to GEGENkino on the […]
Lecture & film: Fascism and sexuality in film and pop culture
13 April, 8pm – UT Connewitz – € 8/6 (red.) Euro
Jaap Blonk just arrived in Leipzig in order to grace us with his fine poetry. Here’s a few examples to get a slight taste of what Jaap is gonna do later tonight:
Jaap Blonk’s “Der Minister I” (1993)
And here’s a list of what we might expect tonight in concreto:
What will be the Dr Voxoid’s next move? Those who know him might expect a knight’s jump…but then they know he won’t do the expected. How about a king’s stately step this time? Or the bishop’s stealthy sneak-through?
Next time it might be:
- sound poetry (his own works and probably an occasional ‘classic’ from this tradition)
- songs in invented languages, for instance in “Onderlands” (the language of the Underlands, a synonym for Netherlands), in “GeenKrimpian” or in his personal English, “IngleTwist”
- phonetic processes, acoustic as well as electronic snippets of lecturing about odd topics, for instance “The User Manual”
- some Solos for Voice by John Cage
- soundscapes
- quotations from Final Letters
- improvisations and more…
- in the right mood & circumstances, he may even project some visuals.
DadaBILD & DadaSPRECH: Jaap Blonk is Dr Voxoid & “Deutschland Dada” (GER 1969, D: Helmut Herbst, 61’, German version, 35mm)
12 April, 9pm – Luru-Kino in der Spinnerei – € 8/6 (red.)