AFRICAN OUTLINES | Twaaga (BF/FR 2013, Cedric Ido) / Crumbs (ET/ES 2015, Miguel Llansó)

Let’s continue with GEGENkino day three: on April 23 at UT Connewitz we will show the films Twaaga (by Cedric Ido) and Crumbs (by Miguel Llansó) in a double feature as part of our section AFRICAN OUTLINES.

At GEGENkino 2016 we will have a focus on post-colonial topics and on young African cinema. We want to open up a discourse about cinema from African countries, it’s aesthetics, show it’s diversity and try to prove that there’s even more to African cinema than Nollywood and Afrofuturism only.

We hope to get you interested! More announcements are about to come.


BF/FR 2013, D: Cedric Ido, A: Sabourou Bamogo, Harouna Ouedraogo, 30’, OV with English subtitles, DCP

1987. Burkina Faso in the year of the assassination of the anti-imperialist president Thomas Sankara. The two brothers Albert and Manu struggle along, each of them in his own way. The older Albert is part of a gang that is commissioned to bully a Lebanese dealer. Whereas Manu is still a child, loves comics and, in his recently tailored superhero costume, lives in magical world in which emancipation movements matter only if they help him to understand the mythologies of his mighty role models. That way he frolics through the dusty streets of his home town until he has to realize that with an own personal suit, you also have to claim your own destiny.


ET/ES 2015, D: Miguel Llansó, A: Daniel Tadesse, Selam Tesfaye, 68’, OV with English subtitles, DCP

The genre: post-apocalypse-science-fiction. A word as long as the hero’s journey undertaken to find Santa Claus. He is walking through different landscapes, sometimes sparse and desolate, sometimes green and lush. The hero is armed with western pop culture goods that become charged and turned into sacred artefacts. At home in the bowling alley, his girlfriend follows a mysterious voice from deep below while an extraterrestrial flying object reigns over everything. A lot of things come apart. Solely the altar for Michael Jordan—as always—seems to provide religious refuge. Spaniard Miguel Llansó, who has been living in Ethiopia for many years and whose passion belongs to experimental and punk attitudes in film and music, makes use of marvellous peculiarities of the imagination, the beauty of the countryside and the strong presence of his actors. Out of that, he creates a surreal, cinematic bastard full of humour and self-irony.

23 April, 9 pm – UT Connewitz – € 6,5/5,5 (red.)