ex.oriente.lux. | Gabriele Stötzer in conversation with Claus Löser
Gabriele Stötzer in conversation with Claus Löser
Against official GDR doctrines, there was an artistic minority who did not conform to the aesthetic and political norms of the state socialism of that time. Among other things, an independent film scene established itself within this counter culture. In particular after Wolf Biermann’s expatriation, this scene began to redefine itself. Intending to show at least a part of those positions, Karin Fritzsche and Claus Löser founded ex.oriente.lux. ExperimentalarchivOst, an archive that collects and catalogues a multitude of the dissident works of that time. Part of the archive are the Super 8 works of Gabriele Stötzer, who is not only known for her cinematic art but also works as a multimedia artist in different genres. Stötzer was also a political activist. Because of her signature against Biermann’s expatriation, she was accused of “defamation of state“ and detained in Hoheneck prison for a year. In December of 1989, Stötzer mobilised for the occupation of the Stasi headquarters in Erfurt to prevent the destruction of files located there.
Since the 8th of March 2019, her various works are exhibited at Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig (GfZK) as a walk-in archive over the course of a year. This exhibition functions as starting point for the early evening. Gabriele Stötzer herself will give a tour around the archive, along with practising archivist, curator and film scholar Löser. Following that, they both grant us an insights into the ideas and methods of ex.oriente.lux. and comment on selected examples.
Talk and lecture in German
21 April – Free entrance
5 pm: Talk inside the Stötzer archive at GfZK
6 pm: Lecture inside the library of GfZK