EXTINÇÃO / EXTINCTION (PT/D 2018, Salomé Lamas)

PT/GER 2018, D: Salomé Lamas, 80′, Doc, OV with English subtitles, DCP

Over the past years, post-Sowjet republics’ conflicts concerning nation state sovereignties have turned out to be saturated with violence and hardly possible to settle. EXTINCTION was developed during Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Originating from the de facto regime Transnistria, the film addresses the issues of those geopolitical situations and their immediate impacts on individual realms of experience and biographies, generating fluid national identities.

The film focuses on the character of young Kolya, who is wholeheartedly in solidarity with Transnistria which liberated itself from Moldava in the early 1990s. However, Transnistria officially does not exist officially and remains unacknowledged by the international community of states. By now, its inhabitants feel a great affinity towards Russia. In black and white images, the film follows Kolya to Soviet architecture, utopias turned into stone. They no longer recall societal progress but merely a passing of time. Encounters with Romanian, Ukrainian and Moldovan border guards create a surreal atmosphere, which is intensified by the soundtrack: unsettling avant-garde orchestral music alternates with gloomy drone sounds. To this, time and again words and thoughts that transcend all constructs of nation states.

[Parafiction | Salomé Lamas]

21 April, 8 pm – Schaubühne Lindenfels – € 6,5 (5,5 red.)
