GEGENkino presents | Raster // ROBERT LIPPOK adds live score to WASTELAND (2015, Pedro Maia)
GEGENkino #5 is proudly announcing our cooperation with music plattform RASTER and visual artist Pedro Maia! Robert Lippok is exclusively adding a live score to the 16mm film WASTELAND, Grischa Lichtenberger and Mieko Suzuki will follow up with their audio peformances and all night long you can watch Raster video works on screens installed in the venue.
[Thanks a ton to PAUL NILLING for the poster (design, typeface, visual noise and all) for the event by the way!]
ROBERT LIPPOK adds live score to WASTELAND (2015, Pedro Maia, 30’, no dialogue, 3x16mm)
Subsequently: ROBERT LIPPOK (live set), GRISCHA LICHTENBERGER (live a/v set), MIEKO SUZUKI (dj set)
Plus: INSTALLATION of Raster video works
Pedro Maia:
Robert Lippok:
Grischa Lichtenberger:
Mieko Suzuki:
For more than 20 years, Raster (formerly known as: Raster Noton) has established a label that not only stands for a specifically distinct techno and experimental sound, but also for a collective platform that frequently serves as basis for collaborations with artists from various disciplines. The evening will be opened by an encounter of digital and analogue: as a premiere and exclusively for GEGENkino, Robert Lippok adds a live score to WASTELAND, a 16mm-film performance of Portuguese artist Pedro Maia.
The title literally refers to the origin of the filmstrips shown: they are seemingly useless waste, faulty exposures, they are discarded material from an analogue film lab. The colours of WASTELAND are less reminiscent of barren or bleak landscapes but rather remind of Stan Brakhage’s chemical experiments. That means that after being exposed to toxic processes, the images turn into pure colour fields. Maia’s three projectors animate them, let fissures and stains flicker, let veinlets, scratches and debris whirl. After an additional live set by Robert Lippok, Grischa Lichtenberger will present his audiovisual live performance. Raster resident Mieko Suzuki will then end the showcase. Besides, various Raster video works are installed and displayed all night long. They are representative for the close involvement with computers and their audiovisual capabilities – a constant topic that steadily forms the objectives of the label.
Doors: 9 pm
Screening WASTELAND: 9.30 pm
Tickets: 12,00€ + fee • available at Culton Ticket (Peterssteinweg 9) and online via TixforGigs.