Our new Poster | As of today, the city is covered with chicken

Already seen these fancy chicken posters in town? That was us. And please: consider them as an invitation — to go to the cinema, to challenge yourself, to remember, to question your opinions — GEGENkino is back and and is awaiting you in the dark! From 11 to 22 April at UT Connewitz, Luru Kino, at Schaubühne Lindenfels, Pracht and GfZK.

Our marvellous programme will soon be available in marvellous booklets, till then check the download.

See you!

GEGENkino #6

Turn off the lights, open the eyes – The GEGENKino goes into the next round. We present our selection for this year’s festival!

This year we show twelve full days of program. Anyone who has had enough of egg hunting should go to the cinema anyway. Here are a few valid arguments:

Angela Schanelec I WAS HOME, BUT… | I T O E, Andrea Belfi and Flying Moon in Space live set MATERIALFILME by Birgit and Wilhelm Hein | GEGENkinder with MOOMINS AND THE COMET CHASE | Work on the imageHartmut Bitomsky | Ted Fendt Double – SHORT STAY and CLASSICAL PERIOD – presented by Ted Fendt | BIG BANG BACKWARDS – a Lecture Performance with Nadia Tsulukidze | the the topic of the exhibition are archived memories: Memory as a Flicker u.a. with works by Filipa César, Gabriele Stötzer, Clarissa Thieme, Ludwig Harig and Susann Maria Hempel | re.act.feminism – a performing archive and a lecture by Beatrice Ellen Stammer | “I DO NOT CARE IF WE GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS BARBARIANS” by Radu Jude | LONG DAY’S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT by Bi Gan | LA CASA LOBO by Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña | BÊTES BLONDES by Maxime Matray and Alexia Walther | THE MELANCHOLIC GIRL by Susanne Heinrich | Selected films by Portuguese director Salomé Lamas and on Easter Monday HEIMAT IS A SPACE OF TIME in the presence of Thomas Heise in conversation with Claus Löser

and much more…


GULYABANİ (NL/TR 2018 Gürcan Keltek)

NL/TR 2018, R/D: Gürcan Keltek, Dok/Doc 35’, OmeU/OV with English subtitles, DCP

Gulyabani. A creature with supernatural abilities in Turkish mythology. A Djinn. A Ghoul. A little girl from Izmir is taken for it. She can see dead people. And cold hearts. Locked up by her own family, she is misused as a fortuneteller, medium and talisman. After the 1980 coup, fascist paramilitaries abduct her for similar intentions and retain her in a mine. Following his lyrical documentary work METEORS, filmmaker Gürcan Keltek starts another both acoustically and visually intriguing journey based on diaries and reports of a relative. In it, biography and history, superstition and state terror, the cosmic and the earthly are associatively blended. Lucid periods and dark terrains take turns. Abruptly, we enter the world of ghosts, get lost in fleeting memory pictures which have lain in silver for too long, faded by deprivation of light, having become porous by countless years of life, covered with stories and scarred by mental wounds.

Thu 11. April 8 PM – UT Connewitz – € 6,5 (5,5 red.)


La Casa Lobo / The Wolf House (CL 2018, Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña)

CL 2018, D: Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña, 75’, OmdU/OV with German subtitles, DCP

Colonia Dignidad, presented by an image film. In a sweetish voice, the “sheperd” narrator tells of life in the community formed by German emigrants, dispels some unpleasant rumours and also mentions Maria. Maria was able to flee with two little pigs alongside her. In the woods, she finds a house to hide herself and her companions from the claws of the wolf. It is rattling, creaking and cracking, inside and outside. The Chilean puppet and animation artists’ first full-length feature portrays a traumatised young woman’s ever-changing world. Paint streams across the walls, forming faces. The bodies made of papier-mâché melt and regenerate. Everything is crumbling, shaking, moaning and staring. THE WOLF HOUSE is based on a series of exhibitions, inviting the visitors to participate in the formation process. Meticulous detail work in Europa and South America brought the stop-motion arrangements to life. Uniting the widespread paintings and virtuous sculptural art with sounds, voices, and folk songs, the cinematic outcome forms both an intense and touching nightmare as well as a political parable on Augusto Pinochets’ frightening reign.

11 April, 8 pm – UT Connewitz – € 6,5 (5,5 red.)


Stories of the Dumpster Kid (BRD 1971 Ula Stöckl, Edgar Reitz)

FRG 1971, D: Ula Stöckl, Edgar Reitz, A: Kristine de Loup, Bruno Bendel, Alf Brustellin, 22 episodes, total length: 220′, OV with English subtitles, digital

The dumpster kid – in Viennese snide humour the expression for afterbirth and the throw-outs and rejects of civilisation – grows up in a garbage can and is now to be integrated into civil society. At least this is the plan, whose failing is told in 22 episodes. The dumpster kid is frivolous, hedonistic, dirty and far to curious, it fucks, seduces and signalises this danger for the well-ordered surroundings already in its appearance: red shoes, red socks and a red dress. The dumpster kid goes to school and to church, it travels through time and leaves reality behind, meets Al Capone, transforms into a vampire and burns at the stake. But even the thousands of deaths it is threatened with will not ensure its readiness to assimilate.
It is only tonight that Pracht becomes a cinema pub, the dumpster kid cinema. Guests can choose single episodes from the menu card.

11 April, 10:30 pm – Pracht (Wurzener Straße 17, 04315) – Free entrance