Today | „True Politics“ video art exhibition + Forum
GEGENkino presents: „True Politics“ video art exhibition + forum
Thank you all for coming to our opening and the screening yesterday! It was really quite wonderful to see so many of you.
Thanks to Stephanie Comilang for presenting her work personally and being such a lovely guest. The film programme was sold out as well, so it was a full evening with a lot of people. Also thanks to Stephanie Cumming and Daniel Hoesl for being our guests and being really nice people.
The exhibition is open today and tomorrow from 6 to 11pm—come ‘round or come ‘round again, it’s a nice place to hang out and watch videos. So take your time… and on top of that, today there’ll also be our disccussion forum about documentary aesthetics, image politics, representation, truth and so on and so on at 7:30pm.
At 9pm we will show Omer Fast’s recent work CONTINUITY. We don’t know how many of you are planning to come, but if it’s as many as yesterday, you better be there early, if you want to get a good seat.
See you tonight,
your GEGENkino crew