There’s only a few unreserved seats left for the 10:30pm performance of COLOR FIELD IMMERSION. If you need some more reasons to come over tonight, check that RadioBlau teaser—thanks again to Melanie Albrecht for this one!— or, alternatively, Doron Sadja’s bandcamp page.

See you soon!


Licht- und Soundperformance von Doron Sadja

Das Bestreben, die Kinoerfahrung für das Publikum zu einem direkteren, immersiveren und intensiveren zu machen, fand seine letzte große Manifestation wohl in der Wiederbelebung des 3D-Kinos. Ob es diesem wirklich gelang, das filmische Erlebnis und die Wahrnehmung auf eine neue Ebene zu hieven, ist fraglich – vor allem dort, wo die Technik mehr bloßes Gimmick bleibt als zu einem künstlerischen Mittel zu werden. Der US-amerikanische Medienkünstler und Ambient-Musiker Doron Sadja sucht in seinen unterschiedlichen Arbeiten immer wieder nach Wegen das Erleben der Zuschauer*innen auf auditiver und visueller Ebene neu auszuloten und verborgene Bereiche im Sinnlichen zugänglich zu machen. Als Ausgangspunkte dienen ihm dabei unter anderem Wahrnehmungsexperimente und technische Versuchsanordnungen aus der Geschichte der Wissenschaft. Für COLOR FIELD IMMERSION hat Sadja sich mit den Ganzfeld-Experimenten der 1970er Jahre beschäftigt; in diesen Versuchen wurden die Augen der Proband*innen mit lichtdurchlässigen Materialien verbunden und farbiges Licht darauf projiziert. Durch diesen anhaltenden Entzug sinnlicher Reize erhoffte man sich die Aktivierung hellseherischer und telepathischer Fähigkeiten. Ohne selbst solchen parawissenschaftlichen Bestrebungen nachzugehen, greift Sadja diese Tests auf und entwickelt daraus seine COLOR FIELD IMMERSION Performance. Zu einem passend arrangierten Mehr-Kanal-Soundtrack im Stile seines “Breath Heart Skin”-Albums wird die Kinoleinwand sozusagen auf wenige Zentimeter vor der Netzhaut verlagert, sodass Sadjas visuelle Kompositionen je nach räumlicher Position und geistiger Verfassung jede*n Teilnehmer*in auf jeweils andere Weise trifft. Eine parakinematographische Erfahrung, in der es  genausoviele Filme gibt wie Augenpaare.

Menschen mit photosensitiver Epilepsie seien auf die intensiven Lichtreize während dieser Veranstaltung hingewiesen.

13. April, 21 Uhr und 22:30 Uhr – UT Connewitz

Update | Doron Dadja – COLOR FIELD IMMERSION #2

Since we all want you to get a sufficient dose of light and sound tomorrow, DORON SADJA will offer a second run of his COLOR FIELD IMMERSION performance at 10:30pm
The first run is already booked out, so all your further reservations will have to be for the second one.

13 April, 9pm & 10:30pm – UT Connewitz

Hope you’ll all have a good trip! 

Your GEGENkino crew


Wooh, Luru was packed yesterday! Thanks a lot for coming in such quantity!


Seems like today won’t be much different. So, those of you who want to come and see Julian Radlmaier’s SELBSTKRITIK EINES BÜRGERLICHEN HUNDES today, please make a reservation by writing a mail to info[at]luru-kino.de. Those of you who have a festival ticket should be at Luru-Kino 20min before the beginning of the film (i.e. 7:40pm), so you’ll be guaranteed to get a seat. (If you can’t make it early enough, please make a reservation as well to be safe.)

Selbstkritik eines bürgerlichen Hundes

GER 2017, D: Julian Radlmaier, A: Julian Radlmaier, Deragh Campbell, Kyung-Taek Lie, Beniamin Forti, 99’, OV/English subtitles, DCP

Selbstkritik eines bürgerlichen Hundes (D, 2017, Julian Radlmaier)

Isn’t it oh so hard to make a true communist movie?! Sure, it is. Julian Radlmaier (”Ein proletarisches Wintermärchen”) knows about these things and will show us—in an honest and self-questioning way—his struggles with trying and trying and trying to be a political filmmaker in his newest film with the beautiful and telling title “Self-Criticism […]

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12 April, 8pm – Luru Kino at the Spinnerei

Director Julian Radlmaier and producer Kirill Krasovski will be present. 

And, as you know, afterwards we will have the double screening of TARA and FLUIDØ, which will start a little later though—at 10:15pm. Try to be there early or make reservations, too, nonethless. Read more about the two films here

Unfortunately, the MOTEL Regiekollektiv had to cancel their visit and won’t come to the screening of TARA tonight. Let’s hope for a good screening anyway. See you later on in the dark!


Hey, dear GEGENkino friends! Here’s for something quite unexpected—namely a teaser for tonight’s film O ORNITÒLOGO that is completely auditive only! Thanks to RadioBlau for supporting our festival and to Melanie albrecht in particular for these nice audio teasers! On the weekend we also did an interview at RadioBlau; so in case you want to hear that one, too, check freie-radios.net.


PT/F/BRA 2016, D: João Pedro Rodrigues, A: Paul Hamy, Xelo Cagiao, Han Wen, Chan Suan, OV/English subtitles, 118’, DCP


11 April, 8pm – Luru Kino at the Spinnerei

THE ORNITHOLOGIST (PT/F/BRA, 2016, João Pedro Rodrigues)

Maybe you’ve seen some films by the likes of Pedro Costa or Miguel Gomes already, then it should be no big news for you anymore that contemporary Portuguese cinema is definitely something to keep on radar. Not unlike those two directors, João Pedro Rodrigues’ cinematic language is also quite unique and inventive and his way […]

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Interview | Wang Bing – Film Comment

Interview: Wang Bing – Film Comment

Thanks a ton, all of you, for coming to our exhibition, discussion and screenings on the weekend at Schaubühne Lindenfels. We feel really honoured to have such a wonderful audience… seriously! So, tonight we’ll hopefully see each other again at UT Connewitz for Wang bing’s recent film TA’ANG.


HK/F 2016, Doc, D: Wang Bing, OV/English subtitles, 142’

Here’s a small interview with Wang Bing to get yourselves an idea of his way of working.

“[T]he documentary form is the most viable way for me to make movies in China. By following people’s everyday life, I don’t have to look for actors and direct them, I don’t have to ask a lot of people to work together for me, and I don’t have to ask permission to anybody. The ways in which the Chinese film industry limits filmmakers become invalid for me, if I shoot inexpensive movies about the real life of the people with a small crew. That’s why I keep on making documentaries: I like genuine stories, and I like to feel free.” (Wang Bing)

10 April, 8pm – UT Connewitz

TA’ANG (HK/F 2016, Wang Bing)

As you might have figured already, we have a strong focus on the documentary format and its cinematic potentials at this year’s GEGENkino. Hence, on April 10 at UT Connewitz we take the opportunity to show the film “Ta’ang”—a new documentary by the often-heard-of, but probably only seldomly received Chinese director Wang Bing. With “only” 2 hours […]

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