Hello dear GEGENkino friends,
if you’re clueless what movies to watch right now, here’s a couple of hints for you.
You may remember the hommage to Finnish filmmaker MIKA TAANILA with which we concluded this year’s GEGENkino festival. In case you’ve missed his latest feature length documentary RETURN OF THE ATOM (Atomin Paluu) he did in cooperation with JUSI EEROLA, you’ve got the chance to see it again now in cinemas, for example in CINEDING LEIPZIG.
Check www.cineding-leipzig.de for more information about the film and the screening dates.
Our hommage to Taanila somewhat became an hommage to his long-time collaborator MIKA VAINIO, because of his sudden death in April. Vainio worked together with Taanila on the soundtrack of RETURN OF THE ATOM among other projects. See the very beautiful documentary SÄHKO THE MOVIE about Mika Vainio, shot by Finnish musician JIMI TENOR, over at boilerrom.tv, and see below for some more information on Vainio and the film.
“Mika Vainio’s death in April 2017 sent shock waves rippling through the electronic music community. The late Finnish musician left an indelible mark on noise thanks to his roles in the ‘90s group Pan Sonic and record label Sähkö Recordings. Over the years, Vainio collaborated with Björk, Suicide’s Alan Vega, drone icon Stephen O’Malley and more.
Now, just months following his passing, Boiler Room has unearthed a mythic film about the Sähkö label. Artfully shot on 16mm by Jimi Tenor in 1995, SÄHKO THE MOVIE – a title fans have given the film in the absence of any official one – is a suitably abstract portrayal of the singular label in its prime. Finnish artists featured include Sähkö co-founder Tommi Grönlund, Mono Junk, Hertsi, IFÖ, and, of course, Mika Vainio himself.
The film tracks the Finnish unit at work in the studio making tracks on their trademark custom-built analogue equipment, hand-pressing limited edition vinyl releases and their eardrum rupturing yet delicate live performances.Outside of a few select festival screenings and those who own a rare VHS edition released by Blast First Petite, hardly anyone has seen the 44-minute film but this hasn’t stopped it attaining legendary status.“
GEGENkino 2017 came to a close yesterday. We hope you enjoyed those eleven days and broadened your cinematographic horizon a bit maybe. We’ll have some days of rest now and the one thing left to say is a huge “thank you!” again to all of you who’ve came to the festival and supported us, to our guests and partners, the filmmakers and to all those who helped us out in whatever way. Thanks thanks thanks! We hope to see you all again in the future…
Cheers and enjoy yourselves!
Your GEGENkino crew
photo by Mika Taanila
Just what happened last night…
Thanks, CIRCLE and Mika Taanila and everyone helping out for being the best… and, of course, thanks to our charming audience!
See you tonight at the last day of GEGENkino 2017 and the last day of our Mika Taanila hommage—with another short film reel, 16 and 35mm projections and the German premiere of RETURN OF THE ATOM (ATOMIN PALUU)—at UT Connewitz.
Sun, 16 May 2017
8pm, UT Connewitz
The Zone of Total Eclipse (FIN 2006, 6’, no dialogue, 2 x 16 mm), A Physical Ring (FIN 2002, 4’, no dialogue, 35mm), Future Is Not What It Used To Be (FIN 2002, 52’, OV/English subtitles, 35mm), Spindrift (FIN 1966/2013, 14’, OV/English subtitles, 35mm)
10pm, UT Connewitz
(FIN, D 2015, 105’, Doc, D: Mika Taanila & Jussi Eerola, OV/English subtitles, BluRay)
Mika Vainio has died – The Wire
We were shocked when we heard from Mika Taanila yesterday that his long time collaborator, electronic music producer Mika Vainio (aka Ø), has passed away yesterday. The screening of Taanila’s work MANNERLAATTA (TECTONIC PLATE), for which Vainio did the soundtrack, will now also be an hommage to the pioneering works of Vainio. Likewise, the two screenings on Sunday will be dedicated to him: for one, the short film reel THE FUTURE IS NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE, which includes the film A PHYSICAL RING, also scored by Vainio, and the screening of RETURN OF THE ATOM, featuring music by Vainio’s collaborative project Pan Sonic. Our condolences go out to all friends and relatives.
See you tonight at Luru Kino.
Fri, 14 April 2017
8pm, Luru-Kino at the Spinnerei
Short film reel I: FUTURO
Futuro – A New Stance for Tomorrow (FIN 1998, 28’, OV/English subtitles, 35mm), RoboCup99 (FIN 2000, 25’, OV/English subtitles , 35mm), Six Day Run (FIN 2013, 15’, OV/English subtitles, DCP), Optical Sound (FIN 2005, 6’, no dialogue, 35mm), Delay of Game (FIN 2017, 6’, no dialogue, 3D, file)
10pm, Luru-Kino at the Spinnerei
MANNERLAATTA (Tectonic Plate) (FIN 2016, 74’, OV/English subtitles, DCP) The Sad Song of Hard-Edged Transition Wipe Markers (FIN 2017, 4’, no dialogue, file)
Director Mika Taanila will be present for all the screenings.
There’s only a few unreserved seats left for the 10:30pm performance of COLOR FIELD IMMERSION. If you need some more reasons to come over tonight, check that RadioBlau teaser—thanks again to Melanie Albrecht for this one!— or, alternatively, Doron Sadja’s bandcamp page.
See you soon!
Licht- und Soundperformance von Doron Sadja
Das Bestreben, die Kinoerfahrung für das Publikum zu einem direkteren, immersiveren und intensiveren zu machen, fand seine letzte große Manifestation wohl in der Wiederbelebung des 3D-Kinos. Ob es diesem wirklich gelang, das filmische Erlebnis und die Wahrnehmung auf eine neue Ebene zu hieven, ist fraglich – vor allem dort, wo die Technik mehr bloßes Gimmick bleibt als zu einem künstlerischen Mittel zu werden. Der US-amerikanische Medienkünstler und Ambient-Musiker Doron Sadja sucht in seinen unterschiedlichen Arbeiten immer wieder nach Wegen das Erleben der Zuschauer*innen auf auditiver und visueller Ebene neu auszuloten und verborgene Bereiche im Sinnlichen zugänglich zu machen. Als Ausgangspunkte dienen ihm dabei unter anderem Wahrnehmungsexperimente und technische Versuchsanordnungen aus der Geschichte der Wissenschaft. Für COLOR FIELD IMMERSION hat Sadja sich mit den Ganzfeld-Experimenten der 1970er Jahre beschäftigt; in diesen Versuchen wurden die Augen der Proband*innen mit lichtdurchlässigen Materialien verbunden und farbiges Licht darauf projiziert. Durch diesen anhaltenden Entzug sinnlicher Reize erhoffte man sich die Aktivierung hellseherischer und telepathischer Fähigkeiten. Ohne selbst solchen parawissenschaftlichen Bestrebungen nachzugehen, greift Sadja diese Tests auf und entwickelt daraus seine COLOR FIELD IMMERSION Performance. Zu einem passend arrangierten Mehr-Kanal-Soundtrack im Stile seines “Breath Heart Skin”-Albums wird die Kinoleinwand sozusagen auf wenige Zentimeter vor der Netzhaut verlagert, sodass Sadjas visuelle Kompositionen je nach räumlicher Position und geistiger Verfassung jede*n Teilnehmer*in auf jeweils andere Weise trifft. Eine parakinematographische Erfahrung, in der es genausoviele Filme gibt wie Augenpaare.
Menschen mit photosensitiver Epilepsie seien auf die intensiven Lichtreize während dieser Veranstaltung hingewiesen.
13. April, 21 Uhr und 22:30 Uhr – UT Connewitz