Heute | Out of Frame / “What will the pictures look like after the pictures?”

It’s bargain day at GEGENkino!

You don’t have to spend a single Euro today to see these two events:
video exhibition scope [out of frame]
(on facebook) & panel discussion What will the pictures look like after the pictures?
(on facebook)

And the screening of Pipilotti Rist’s “Pepperminta” afterwards in the Schaubühne Lindenfels at 10pm is also only 6 or 5 (red.) Euros.

Pipilotti Rist – „Pepperminta“

Glaubt ihr an die Kraft der Farben? Dann: Augen auf und lasst euch eure Zäpfchen aktivieren.

Explosionen in Erdbeerrot und ein modernen Großstadtmärchen erwarten euch in Pipilotti Rists „Pepperminta“ (CH 2009, R: Pipilotti Rist, D: Ewelina Guzik, Sabine Timoteo, Sven Pippig, 80’, English subbed, digital)

05. April, 22 Uhr und
07. April, 20 Uhr
Schaubühne Lindenfels